Thursday, 25 February 2010

Flower Workshop - 15th July 2010

Well I have been very busy the past couple of days firstly in my capacity of programme secretary for the Kettering & District Flower Club. I have one confirmed booking and one phone call to make tonight and then one last slot to fill for 2011...yes you heard it right 2011. Start 2012 in a bit!

Most exciting though is I have organised a private workshop with Sally Page who is florist, photographer and successful author of five books including "Flower Shops & Friends" & "The Flower Shop in your Garden". I already had the second aforementioned book, but in the last few days I received Flower Shops & Friends, what a fab read, read it from cover to cover before I went to bed. It follows Sally up and down the country during the course of one year, visiting a florist each month and entering the life of that florist with customers and anecdotes. It is a truly charming piece of work, with some fantastic pictures.

Anyway I have booked Sally for a private workshop in July to be held at my home and am thoroughly looking forward to it.

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