Attended a demonstrator refresher day in Solihull, met some lovely people. The teacher was Janey Hayden. A lovely lady called Janine passed onto me some historical items for me to use for my NaFAS Diploma. Here is my design and some of the others. Oh and Pat's trifle was lush.
I auditioned for the Northamptonshire County Federations speaker programme. I am awaiting the results, however have two confirmed bookings for next year.
My name is Amanda and I love all things flowers. Flowerscents is a new and exciting journey for you to join me on. I have recently started flower arranging which you can see on my website I have just become a committee member for one of my local flower clubs and this year I will be taking things a little more seriously entering some competitions. I am also now working Saturdays with a local florist. Hope you will enjoy the journey. I live in Northamptonshire with my fab boyfriend Michael and my darling woof, surrounded by some fab friends and family, and being a Scorpio do have that protective sting where all of them are concerned. My indulgences are flowers, jewellery made by my friend, a good latte and mashed potatoes xx