Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Been a while

It's been a few days since I have updated this, but i haven't had time to breathe. I am the President of the new Oakley Vale WI, have started my evening class again and i think for the first time i didn't get told off! I have got some piccys to upload which i will try and do this evening just to show you what i have been up to. One of the exciting thing in the next few days is sorting out the third bedroom into what will be mostly my workshop and a joint so happy with that. Anyway hope you are all well. x

Oh and good news passed the first two tests in my home learning floristry course, the 2nd one i got 100% on which i was chuffed to bits with.

Looking forward to Sunday at Chatsworth House with Linda and watching Jonathan Moseley.

Take care for now xx

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sunday, Sunday

Well up at crack of dawn woken by the woof. Hey though the sun is out, and i have come down to a lovely cup of tea made by the boy Michael, and see my beautiful paeonies. Next to ranunculus, anemones and hyacinths, these have to be one of the nicest flowers. I am trying to grow them in the garden, I now have five tubers planted but very slow to appear this year. So here they are

Oh happy Saturday

Yesterday was full of surprises firstly how the delivery charge we were quoted for delivering flowers within London, lets just say you could walk from the florist to the front door of the recipient but they still want £11.00.

Second surprise was that the woof prefers the beef casserole to the lamb hotpot.

Thirdly I came home and was ruthless and removed anything i will never ever wear again or that is a size 14 kept in the hope that i would one day be there again. Oh no I am losing weight and to be down to a size 16 is happy enough for me, and with a new hair do next month...i think i have finally accepted my forties.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

My latest creation - wedding table design

Here is my latest creation really chuffed to bits with it made at a workshop at magnolia, rothwell.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

The weekend

What a fab weekend, had friends Amanda and Robert come to visit we had a few vinos and a fab meal at Oriental Fusion. Today have been to Gates Nurseries and got a bargain £2.75 auralia plant. Then planted up some seeds, dwarf lupins, sweet peas, red and green brussels, black cherry tomatoes and cucumbers called Amanda. Woof home after staying with granny and grandad, and unfortunately Michael still has a really bad neck and tottenham are out of the cup...however dad had a fluke win on the national.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Crash bang wallop, white van man alert...again!

Last week i had one reverse into me. Now one went through a red light today and Michael hit the side of it. I am so relieved michael was not hurt, we have the remainder of the car on the drive awaiting repair and the bumper was in the garage. Here you can see for yourself.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

One man and his dog and the black fence

Bless my boyfriend he has finished most of the black fence varnishing and has stained the shed as a surprise when i came home from work. Taking a well earned rest with the is one man and his dog, oh and the orange ball!

In my easter bonnet

Here is my Easter Bonnet for the club comp tomorrow, the yellow brim was a piece from a bouquet very kindly donated to me by the lovely Jo in our marketing department where i work. Will show a proper modelled photo hopefully later in the week....fingers crossed.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Easter Monday jobs

Michael has been painting the back fence, a great shade of Tudor Black Oak, and the pink camelia buds are really standing out beautifully against them.

I have tidied the garage today and thankfully more room for my flower supplies. I also got bargain of the day thanks to a tip off by my friend Linda....10 vases for 25p from Asda.

Anyway off to indulge before the diet starts, Oh and we water shrew in the garden.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Wedding workshop

I attended this afternoon with my friend Linda a workshop with Dean from Magnolia Florist in Rothwell. I made a bouquet and a button hole, here is my work.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Great Oakley Church pedestal display

Here is the pedestal display I made this morning for Great Oakley Church. My friend Linda came to help me. Very pleased with the outcome.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Good Friday

Phew, busy day, went off to St Ives this morning to have my hair cut, love going to see the Adiva ladies they really cheer you up and I walk out feeling tons more glam than when i first walked through the door. Got stuck going up the A1 to Oundle to look at Foxtail Lily. After a quick shop in Morrisons, went and had a cuddle with little Konnor and a cuppa with his mummy Karen. He has grown so much since i last saw him soooo gorgeous. Anyway back home shattered, cooking chicken to go with our salad tonight and then looking forward to tomorrow. Doing church flowers (watch this space) and birthday lunch for my friend Linda after, then chinese at michaels mums.

Tribute flowers

Very pleased with these, a silk spray and posies for little girls grave.